Project Background
A brief history of time in respect to this project is outlined below:-
2003 a village questionnaire was developed and issued to all QC households asking them to identify the good, the bad and the areas for improvement.
2005 the results of the survey were correlated, analysed and published in the ‘Community Plan’. The Parish Council then initiated a number of working groups to action the points raised in the plan, including the latent need for affordable housing.
2007 an independent housing needs survey confirmed there were 15 households seeking affordable housing within Queen Camel.
2009 the working groups produced a Development Plan that addressed those needs identified in the Community Plan, and the DP was endorsed by the Parish Council.
2010 an Affordable Housing Working Group was established to develop a strategy to satisfy these housing needs.
2011 a survey form was sent to residents, businesses and employees in Q C and the surrounding villages to determine the current needs for affordable housing for people who can demonstrate a local connection with Queen Camel or the surrounding parishes.
9 December 2011, the Queen Camel Community Land Trust Limited was formed and registered with the Financial Services Authority as an Industrial and Provident Society as a vehicle to promote affordable housing in the village.